Competent & straightforward

Companies & freelancers

  • Tax advice & consulting
  • Management consulting with focus on controlling, financial and liquidity planning and investment analysis
  • Preparation of financial statements and calculations of profitability
  • Payroll & financial accounting
  • Preparation and support: appointments with financial institutions; financing negotiations; provision of required evaluations


  • Tax advice & consulting
  • Preparation of tax declarations und returns
  • Tax planning
  • Examination of tax  assessment notices


international Tax Consulting

You need a counterpart, whether your activity emphasis is domestic or abroad!

We are happy to support if you want to establish a branch in Hungary, Austria, Switzerland or in the central and eastern European countries (CEE/CEEC). We also assist with your existing branch.
  • Founding & Management Consulting
  • Market entry & Intercultural Economic Advice
  • Ongoing tax support (financial accounting, financial statements, payroll accounting, etc.)
  • Use our network of specialized tax advisors, accountants & lawyers
  • Support with customs-duties (imports and exports)
We facilitate the German market entry for companies from Hungary, Austria, Switzerland or central and eastern Europe (CEE/CEEC). In particular we offer:
  • Handling and Representation in Government Affairs
  • VAT registration
  • Consulting for the company's activities in Germany


"Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it"


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Steuerberatung Hermesmeier

Dipl.-Kffr. E. Hermesmeier

Elsener Straße 1
33102 Paderborn

Telefon: +49 (5251) 699 37 20



Unsere Bürozeiten:

Montag - Donnerstags 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Freitags 09:00 - 14:00 Uhr


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